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Powerwatch Sold; Pull-ups Started; Home Freezer Organized

I ended up selling the PowerWatch on Ebay. It was a nice experiment, but ultimately, there's enough of a margin of error built into calorie counting that having a wildly inaccurate step count just wasn't going to cut it. Fitbit has a really slick, comprehensive system, and if I'm going to abandon it for anything, it'd better be good.

If you're going to use anything other than your phone as a step-tracker, it's hard to go wrong with a Fitbit. There's something to be said about having a simple dashboard of all your body's input/output environmentals without having to sync between different fitness and nutrition apps. I really love my Fitbit One since I wear it on my hip, it lasts the better part of a week and it leaves my watch wrist free to experiment with different watches and watch styles without screwing up my fitness tracking system.

Now that the weather is just back to just regular cold instead of bitter Arctic cold, I'm back on my bike commuting to work, and my weight is starting to drop again. I'm down to 156.6 as of this morning, which I think is right around what I weighed when I was 18 - pretty cool.

Speaking of my high school years, I finally decided to see how many pull-ups (palms out) I could do yesterday. I was dragging a little, so it probably wasn't the best time to try but did anyway. I think in my high school Phys Ed class I could do mid to upper teens. Last night I cranked out 10 before I started to labor. I could have done at least another 2-3 or maybe more if I weren't paranoid about incapacitating myself with muscle pain in time for the weekend.

I haven't done serious weight training in a couple of years, and I've gone from nothing to whole hog several times in the past before and 48 hours later I'm ready to shoot myself - that is, if I could actually even hold up a gun to my head. Seriously, I think my wife has a funny picture of me trying (and failing) to hold up a spoon to my mouth after we started P90X together years ago. Assuming I'm feeling ok tomorrow, I'll try again and test my real max and maybe start phasing in some other light weight training.

I also ended up organizing and labeling our home-home freezer last night. There wasn't much in there, so it was pretty quick and easy job and then made a chicken sausage and spinach lunch for myself out of freezer supplies.

I'm starting to see the freezer as my new go-to for everyday meal storage. Cold cuts are quick and easy, but they don't last very long in the fridge. By the week and a half mark, they're starting to get kind of slimy and gross. However, with the freezer, you can pack as much as you want, it keeps your food for a really long time, and it'll cut down on your weekly grocery list and shopping time. I don't know how long that spinach was in there, but it tasted fine. The chicken sausage was starting to show the early stages of freezer burn, but it also tasted fine.

My power breakfast menu hasn't changed, however. My wife jokes that I'm kind of like a dog eating the same thing every morning, but it still tastes great to me, costs 68c/day and takes about 5 minutes to prepare. How can you beat that?


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